About Me

Auckland (formerly Denver), New Zealand
Born in Denver Colorado and grew up in Colorado Springs Colorado. I attended University of Kansas for Undergrad (Go Hawks!) and returned to Denver to attend U of Denver for law school. I moved to Auckland New Zealand on August 18, 2008 to be with my fiance. Email me at cdunn@law.du.edu

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pollution in Beijing?

The World Health Organization reports that on an average day, the pollution in Beijing is five times the standards for safety. In preparation for the Olympics China has reportedly spent $17billion dollars just in efforts to clean up air pollution and I thought that overall the pollution was low while we were visiting (or was it just better than expected?). We were lucky that the weather was mild temperatures and that it rained a couple of times which seems to "hose off" the city. In visiting the Great Wall we were with two people who had visited the exact area before and they were astonished at the visibility this time around. Apparently some people visit the Great Wall only to be able to see 40 feet in front of the them. The first day we arrived the smog was pretty thick (seen above) and we could only see about 5 blocks down the road but then it cleared up as the week progressed. (the clearer picture of the dragon building was taken 5 days later)

We read and I agree that late Sept/Oct is the best time to visit for mild temperatures and decreased smog if you are thinking of planning a trip.

Spitting from pollution?.....one thing that absolutely shocked me was how much the Chinese people spit. I'm not talking about the casual spit as if stepping up to the pitcher's mound. I'm talking about full body, gutterly spitting from men, women and elderly. Someone mentioned it was a common occurrence due to the pollution and apparently there's not a rude stigma to the loogie-tossing but I was shocked and even giggled when I watched some of these dainty women really get their whole body into clearing their lungs.

Maybe we visiting during a low pollution time and after a few years I could be doing some throat clearing as well.....

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